Wedding Planning Tips

10 Wedding Planning Tips Couples Need to Know

For many people, weddings are an understandably big affair, and there is a lot of planning that goes into making sure everything is smooth sailing for the big day. Why wouldn’t there be? Someone is getting married, after all! It should be as perfect as it can be.

But as happy as the occasion is, the large amount of wedding preparations to take care of can make it rather easy to overlook something important. Whether you’re a couple looking to plan your upcoming wedding or just looking to make sure you’ve got everything covered, here are some essential wedding planning tips that every bride and groom needs to know!

Tip 1: Have a plan and wedding budget (and stick to it!)

If there’s one thing that you don’t want to plan at the last minute, it’s your wedding. Expenses, venue, food, transport, wedding attire, guests… all these can take a lot of time and money to prepare for, so unless you’re planning on having a simple and low-profile ceremony, you should definitely have a proper wedding plan and budget early on. 

When planning your wedding, having a wedding checklist can help you stay on track with how the wedding will take place, where it’s hosted, who’s coming, and other important details. This goes for the wedding budget too – once you have a budget in mind, you should carefully plan how that money will be spent. In practice, it’s best to prioritize handling the more important wedding elements like the wedding reception over wedding favours. 

By planning early, this can save you a lot of headache in case things go wrong. But most importantly, be sure to stick to all your outlined plans and budget because nothing kills a wedding mood faster than planning mishaps and money troubles!

Tip 2: Utilize online tools & applications

The Internet is pretty massive nowadays, and there are plenty of online tools and applications that can be well-utilized for your wedding. Whether it’s for creating planners or tracking expenses, these are great additions to make your wedding planning experience a lot smoother.

Depending on your needs and preferences, you can readily find these applications on the Google Play Store, Apple App Store, or standalone websites. For example, WeddingHappy allows you to plan all of your wedding’s elements in an organized fashion. On the other hand, Mint lets you easily keep track of all your expenses and spending in a single app. 

But of course, there are loads of other tools and apps out there too so go ahead and make use of them! With a little bit of digging, you can find some useful ones that will help you greatly.

Tip 3: Join the wedding community

With how much prep a wedding needs, it’s normal for couples to have some uncertainties here and there. In cases like these, it can be quite helpful to leverage the Internet to your advantage by joining Facebook groups and connecting with wedding communities online for getting some good insight from others.

From answers and suggestions to your second opinions and personal thoughts, these online groups and communities have plenty to share to help point you in the right direction. Wedding vendors and other married couples can be easily found on these platforms, so ask around for recommendations to get the best ones for your wedding.

On a side note, if you’re looking for a more comprehensive platform to connect with the wedding community, wedding fairs are awesome places to visit that have pretty much everything you need. Just be sure to check out some of these tips before attending one.

Tip 4: Refine the wedding menu to your own tastes

More often than not, many couples tend to be so caught up in their guests’ food preferences and dietary requirements that they end up with a menu that others would enjoy more than themselves. While it’s certainly nice to be considerate, you should definitely have some of you and your partner’s favourite dishes on the menu

The best way to create a menu that everyone can enjoy is to diversify your menu options. For instance, including different cultural dishes in your menu is great for appealing to your guests’ tastes. But try not to stress too much on this, though! C’mon, this is your wedding, not a food drive, so go ahead and create a menu that you and your partner will enjoy.

Tip 5: Don’t be shy to ask for help

Sometimes, you just can’t handle planning an entire wedding all on your own! If the enormous number of things to handle doesn’t overwhelm you first, the stress and pressure likely will. For this reason, getting some assistance from friends, family, and even wedding experts can really help ease the burden off your shoulders.

With everyone by your side, it can be a good idea to delegate tasks to split the effort and get things quicker. Looking for wedding suppliers, handling wedding errands, setup… these can all be handled together with your wedding party and family members for better efficiency. It’ll be even better if they happen to specialize in handling such things!

Alternatively, you can also consider hiring a wedding planner (here’s why you should!). They have the expertise to help oversee your wedding’s preparations, offer valuable input, and ensure that everything is going smoothly. While this might cost extra, the peace of mind a wedding planner can provide is definitely well worth the price.

Tip 6: Settle on a good wedding theme

In wedding planning, having a theme is a good basis for deciding your wedding’s concept. There are quite a few popular themes out there, which include modern, traditional, rustic, and outdoor ones. 

Since a wedding theme cohesively ties your wedding’s colours, aesthetic elements, and décor together, you should settle on one that resonates with your personality.

When it comes to choosing a theme, dreams are a good place to start brainstorming in as many people have their own ideal vision of their wedding. You can even draw inspiration from your hobbies and personal interests; Interested in magic? Fairytale wedding it is, then. Outdoor life is more your thing? Marrying in a luscious forest sounds perfect. 

If all else fails, giving a common wedding theme your own personal touches is always a solid idea.

Tip 7: Be selective and realistic

It’s easy to get carried away with planning a wedding, especially if you have a grand ceremony in mind. But unless funds and logistics are not a concern for you, you should definitely try to be realistic when planning what you want your wedding to have.

One thing that you should always be selective with is the guest list – try to ensure that the number of people attending is one that you can handle, even if it means having a smaller list. Furthermore, this also applies to wedding preparations as well, so don’t bother yourself with DIY elements, meal requests, or décor ideas that are too time-consuming or exotic. 

Bottom line: be smart and practical with the things your wedding will have as you really don’t want to be burning all your energy on something like creating 1,000 handcrafted invitations.

Tip 8: Hand out e-invitations instead

Every wedding needs its invitations, but you don’t necessarily have to invite all your guests with expensive cardstock. Consider helping save the environment (and money too!) by using e-invitations instead!

In comparison, e-invitations have a much greater advantage over paper invitations in terms of functionality. Image galleries, RSVP functions, and additional buttons can all be easily added, but the biggest benefit is flexibility – you can readily make any changes as needed without having to reprint the paper invitation card!

Plus, e-invitations can look super stunning too without the constraints of paper, and here you can find some professionally-made e-invitations by Artisense.

Tip 9: Go easy on following trends and traditions

Always remember the number one rule about weddings: they are meant to celebrate your marriage. For this reason alone, you should be planning your wedding your way, so don’t jump on wedding trends at random just because other people do it.

Don’t take this the wrong way, basing your wedding style on trends and traditions can be good, but your wedding should be reflecting you and your partner. So, rather than sticking to an uninspired wedding style that everyone has seen before, add your own personal touches that meaningfully sets your wedding apart from others. 

By having a well-thought-out ceremony, you and your guests will have a much more fun and memorable time. 

Tip 10: Relax and unwind before the big day

While it’s normal to stress over getting your wedding to be perfect, you definitely should not forget to take care of yourself too! 

Wedding planning can be emotionally draining and tiring, and all that stress can really get to you, so go ahead and treat yourself to some well-deserved rest and relaxation before the wedding day comes.

Whether it’s a trip to the spa or just a quick getaway, the key point here is to take a break and refresh yourself. Taking a break around a week or two before the wedding is a good time to do this; anything to take your mind off the wedding. This way, you’ll be more rested and much less stressed as the big day approaches.

No doubt, weddings are pretty big affairs that can leave just about any couple stressed, but these wedding planning tips above should come in handy when you get around to planning. 

Just remember, weddings are meant to be a happy celebration of you and your beloved partner’s marriage, and that should be the primary motivation that guides you in how you choose to plan the ceremony. With all that being said, go on ahead and plan your wedding the way you’ve always wanted to!  

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10 UNIQUE Wedding E-invitation Card Ideas in 2021

Hooray! You and your partner are getting married and all the preparations for your big day are well underway. A wedding is one of the most memorable occasions in a lifetime, and it can be truly memorable to celebrate your marriage in the company of others.

If you’re inviting guests, you will need a wedding card to get the big news out. But who says that fancy printed invitations on cardstock are the only way to go? Wedding e-invitations can be just as unique and wonderful as any physical invitation so read on for some ideas!

E-invitations? What about paper wedding invitations?

While it is true that paper wedding cards can let you come up with some wondrous designs, this comes at the cost of more time, money, and materials to produce them compared to e-invitations.

Although e-invitations lose out on that physical touch, they have an advantage in being more flexible to design, easy to share, and cheaper to create while also saving the environment. Plus, it’s becoming trendy to go digital for your invitations nowadays!

Idea 1: Modern

Modern Digital Wedding Card Wedding Invitation

In a modern design, minimalism, simplicity, and sleekness are ideal qualities to have. Compared to traditional designs, modern designs are typically less extravagant with ornate or highly decorative elements being used more sparingly; clean lines, geometry, and metallics make up most modern designs instead.

As for colours, white, black, dark blue, and grey are good choices, but any colour will do fine so long as the composition looks modern.

To keep with the modern feel, try to avoid any exaggerated or fussy elements that might take away the clean look, such as highly elaborate patterns and textures. With the right amount of minimalism, your wedding e-invitation card will look clean yet subtle and sophisticated.

Idea 2: Elegant

ELEGANT Digital Wedding Card Wedding Invitation

A graceful design of grandeur and detail, elegant themes are ornate, fancy, and feature a lot of delicate elements. Unlike the more subdued tones of modern design, elegant designs are clean-looking but more bold and powerful in their aesthetics – floral elements, lace patterns, and gleaming colours are commonly used examples of these. Together with an elaborate typeface, the end result is one that is brimming with class and chic.

Feature-wise, the elegant theme also goes well with the multiple functions that e-invitations have. If your wedding ceremony is particularly grand, adding the right photos and videos to the wedding card can create a truly wondrous aesthetic that is sure to impress any guest.

Idea 3: Rustic

RUSTIC Digital Wedding Card Wedding Invitation

Embracing the comforting and rugged aesthetic of nature, the rustic theme is a superb way to bring the beauty of the outdoors into your wedding invitation. Earthy, wooded, and natural elements are the biggest part of rustic designs, so don’t be afraid to have some rough edges and textures in your wedding card.

Since nature is a big part of this theme, muted, neutral colours like green, brown, and turquoise are more preferable. After all, comfort is a big thing about going rustic.

If you’re adding photos and videos to the wedding card, arrange them in a collage or scrapbook fashion to really convey that natural feel – bonus points if they are taken in a garden or outdoor setting.

Idea 4: Fairytale

FAIRYTALE Modern Digital Wedding Card Wedding Invitation

Fairytale themes are brimming with magic and fantasy, and the creative possibilities are limitless for bringing your favourite fairytales into your invitations.

Depending on your wedding theme, you can add snowflakes, stars, sparkles, magical spells, and just about any fantasy design element as you see fit into your wedding card.

For couples that plan to marry like a prince and a princess, it can be a great idea to add some common fairytale tropes into your wedding card designs. For instance, prefacing your wedding story with the classic “Once upon a time,” line and the right images can add the magical touch you need.

Idea 5: Floral 

FLORAL Digital Wedding Card Wedding Invitation

With flowers being one of nature’s most beautiful gifts, using floral designs as the centerpiece of your wedding invitation card is always a classic choice.

Planning a romantic setting? Pink tulips are perfect. Marrying in a luscious green garden? Feature some hydrangeas. Plus, floral elements are super flexible to work with for any wedding design.

While floral designs aren’t a new fad, they are still nonetheless a potent visual element that can naturally spice up your designs with colours, energy, and life. Couple that with your wedding card along with wedding photos and you’ll have a lovely design that everyone will enjoy.

Idea 6: Cultural

CULTURAL Digital Wedding Card Wedding Invitation

If your wedding is taking a traditional approach, taking inspiration from your culture can be a fun and unique way to create your wedding invitations.

Since each culture has its own unique aesthetics and style, you can incorporate traditional auspicious colours, patterns and motifs in your wedding card design. For instance, many Asian cultures have their own distinctive elements that can add a cultural touch to your designs.

Since wedding invitations are meant to reflect the couple, you can definitely blend traditional design principles with your own style in your wedding invitation, such as adorning your photos with traditional elements. After all, the invitation is for everyone to celebrate your big day.

Idea 7: Alternative

Modern Digital Wedding Card Wedding Invitation

Not all wedding cards have to just look pretty with the same ol’ themes – bringing your beloved passions into your designs can work too!

Whether your passion lies in music, movies, or even art, you can borrow plenty of design elements from these themes; vinyl records, film reel, and eye-catching graphic design are just some examples. For creative themes like these, holding back on creativity is not how you celebrate your big day with a bang.

As artistic themes don’t adhere to traditional design conventions as much, you can customize your wedding invitations to better reflect who you and your partner are as a couple. Rather than a rigid, formally written invitation, you can word it more freely as you see fit.

Idea 8: Traditional Chinese

Modern CHINESE Digital Wedding Card Wedding Invitation

Although many couples are planning their weddings in a more contemporary fashion nowadays, getting married the traditional way is never a bad choice.

For a traditional Chinese wedding, a typical wedding card would feature the auspicious colours of red and gold, the double happiness symbol, and plenty of Chinese artistic elements. Likewise, Chinese calligraphy is a staple for designs like these, which creates a distinctive design that reflects Chinese culture.

Since tradition is a big focus here, it is advisable to observe some of the Chinese etiquette when creating and sending your invitations. The wording is particularly important here, so make sure all names, dates, venue details, and other information in the wedding card are properly written and arranged.

Idea 9: Outdoorsy

OUTDOOR Digital Wedding Card Wedding Invitation

Wedding ceremonies don’t always have to take place in a grand ballroom or event hall as there are plenty of wonderful outdoor locations to get married in.

Gardens, forests, beautiful hills, and beachside all make spectacular backgrounds for a good design thanks to their natural scenery. Similar to rustic themes, outdoor-themed are best made with earthy colours like yellow, white, green, and brown along with cursive typefaces for that natural feel in your wedding card design.

Depending on your chosen outdoor setting, you can consider adding elements of nature that fit. Besides flowers, wreathes, and greenery, there are loads of other natural beauties like stars, snowflakes, coral, and so many more that can be used to great effect in your wedding invitations.

Idea 10: Artistic

ARTSY Digital Wedding Card Wedding Invitation

Sometimes, a little artistic flair is all a wedding card needs to be perfect.

Whether it’s beautiful abstract art or a highly exquisite style, an artistic design can be created in many different ways. It’s not just pretty backgrounds and layouts either – good typography can be quite captivating in your wedding card too. Compared to the other themes, there is a lot of creative freedom for artistic designs so feel free to experiment with all sorts of colours, typefaces, and layouts.

One good thing about artistic wedding invitations is that they can be used for any wedding theme. From formal black-tie weddings and elegant traditional affairs to romantic and casual outdoor ceremonies, there’s a beautifully illustrated design for every couple out there.

Digital Wedding Card Wedding Invitation E-Invitation

In the grand scheme of designs, these are just some of the many possible ideas for creating your wedding invitations.

Thanks to digital technology, every couple can now find a design that suits them with a lot more flexibility and functionality with much lesser time and money spent. For instance, choose from a selection of more than 300 wedding-themed designs @card E-invitation and have your wedding card done in 3 working days. Sending wedding card to your guests has never been so easy with just a link, unlimitedly!

Not to worry too much about the “perfect wedding invitation” as there is no right or wrong way. The most important thing here is that your invitation gets all your friends and family together to celebrate your wedding.

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5 Steps to Starting an Online Business from an Offline Business

In the hustle and bustle of business nowadays, business owners are increasingly embracing the online world as the new business platform. Although offline businesses still have their place and importance, making a move from your traditional storefront business to an online one can be quite rewarding when done right, which is proven by a lot of businesses during the lockdown. Only question is, how do you successfully start an online business? While the fundamentals of setting up shop online aren’t too complicated, here are a couple steps worth following for smoothly transitioning to the online business world.

Online businesses VS offline businesses

Although traditional offline businesses do get to enjoy the benefits of a brick-and-mortar store (being able to view products in person, immediate purchase, easier returns, etc.), online businesses have the advantage of being able to serve a lot more customers anywhere without being limited to one physical location. While there is no strictly better business type, starting an online business does offer you greater flexibility, lower downtime, and lesser operating costs – all good traits that help you in serving your customers better.

As an online business runs differently compared to an offline one, these 5 steps below are the first you should take:

Step 1: Have a website or landing page

Behind every online business, an online presence is what leads customers to buying their products and services in the first place. As such, building a website or landing page is an important first step to letting your customers find you online. 

When building your business’s page, there are several steps that you can follow for a more effective website. In practice, your website’s design can range from simple minimalistic designs to more creative and unique ones depending on your business needs. Regardless of how you choose to build it, it is super important for your website to be able to get your customers’ attention – most people on the Internet have a short attention span, and it takes no more than a few seconds for a customer to grow uninterested in a boring website. With the number of online businesses out there, you have to stand out to be successful.

For this reason, look for a layout that conveys your message or selling point clearly. Design-wise, this means you should stick to using only one or two fonts with the appropriate colours and backgrounds for a cleaner website interface. This applies to any additional functionalities you plan to add too; videos, audio clips and any interactive features should all help deliver your message and not distract from it. When done right, your website will have a clear core message while still being well-designed and easy to navigate.

But since creating your own website can be complicated, it does not hurt to have someone else do it for you instead. Together with the right server host, ecommerce, and SEO, a good website will have online customers flocking to your business in no time.

Step 2: Get your own digital business card

Since meeting face-to-face isn’t feasible or encouraged in times of pandemic, you will need some way of promoting your online business without relying on handing out little paper cards. This is where digital business cards come in handy as they can make awesome promotional tools for your online business.

Contrary to popular belief, business cards can do more than just provide others with your contact details as you can customize them to market your business as well. With their compact nature, digital business cards can concisely present your brand and its message to better approach new customers. Together with their digital format for easy unlimited sharing, a well-made digital business card can greatly increase customer awareness of your business in the long run.

Similar to your website, your digital business card should look to set your business apart from your competitors. Fortunately, digital business cards have much more creative space for you to work with, allowing videos, audio files, social media buttons, and many more functions to be added. Not only does this give you more information to show, but you also get to add special touches to leave a good lasting impression on your customers.

If you really want to perfect your digital business card with little hassle, look for @card – which features more than 200 designs created by professional designers! After all, a digital business card does take a little more skill and effort to create compared to regular printed ones.

Step 3: Plan your social media presence

Nowadays, not having a social media presence essentially means turning dozens of customers away from your business. With the huge scale of the Internet, finding the right social media platform is key to reaching your customers and boosting your popularity and sales.

A lot of people log on to social media nowadays (and we mean a lot!), and this reason alone provides incredible business potential. Depending on the nature of your business, you can connect with your audiences through various platforms like Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn. 

The type of content matters here too – articles, images, videos, infographics, interactive elements, and polls can be adapted to creating your online business presence. But like everything else on the Internet, being original and unique is how you stay ahead of your competitors.

While setting up your social media presence isn’t too hard, there is some strategy involved for it to be effective. For starters, create a plan to gauge what are your goals and objectives; do you want to attract more customers or boost your brand awareness? Once a plan is laid out, you should also consider which platforms are the most suitable for your business; how well do they help achieve your goals? Researching your audience is also important as this lets you know how they spend their time online so you can plan your social media strategy more effectively. 

As utilizing social media properly for business can be tricky, it might take some time before its potential starts to show. Even so, it’s a good learning process that every business owner should take when moving to the online world.

Step 4: Get active & manage your content

Once you have set up your business presence online, the next step is to keep it fresh and interesting for your audiences to enjoy. To do so, posting quality content on your online platforms is a great way to keeping customers interested in what you have to offer.

The premise is simple: good content gets a customer interested in your business, and they might even become a customer if engaged enough. From a business standpoint, having quality content on your website or social media page lets you build stronger relationships with your customers, improve brand recognition, and attract new potential customers – all of this means more revenue for your online business. Because quality content is so valuable, it makes sense for successful businesses to come up with engaging content that keeps audiences interested and staying for more.

While finding quality content for your websites and social media can be a little challenging, feel free to experiment with ideas as this is helpful for figuring out the types of content that resonate better with your audiences. 

If you happen to run out of original ideas, blogs, industry news, informative or entertainment posts, memes, photos, and videos are some common types of content that many audiences will enjoy. Just give these content ideas your own personal twist and you’ll have your own original content right there. 

Although you are running an online business, staying active and coming up with quality online content is a tried-and-true way of maintaining your engagement with your customers. With some creativity, this can be one of the most fun ways of growing your business online.

Step 5: Sell your products at an online marketplace

Now that you have almost everything set up for starting your online business, the last step is to plan how your products and services will be sold. For that, you will need a proper marketplace or ecommerce platform to get customers buying your goods.

When it comes to selling online, many buyers can be found on online marketplaces, especially popular and reputable ones like Shopee, Lazada, and Facebook. Since an online marketplace allows sellers and buyers to meet in a single online platform, this makes it a good choice for business owners that want to reach more customers with convenience. But if this isn’t feasible, starting your own ecommerce platform can be a good alternative by letting you conduct all your business on your own website. Either way, a proper platform for letting your customers make their purchases without hassle is quite important.

If you plan to sell on an online marketplace, most marketplaces will require you to register an account to start selling your products. During this time, do take the time to consider their terms and conditions along with any fees charged for selling on the platform. On the other hand, if you decide on going for the ecommerce route, you will need to outfit your business website with an ecommerce platform, payment service provider, internet merchant account, and a number of other technical requirements in order for it to handle transactions safely.

Whichever you choose, an online marketplace and a dedicated ecommerce platform both have their benefits. Even so, do try to make the right choice by selling based on your business, products, needs, and objectives.

To sum it up, these are just five essential steps for starting your online business from an offline business. While there are also many other things that go into conducting your business on the Internet, the most important elements all revolve around creating your own unique presence online among the competition. With the right preparations, your online business can be just as lucrative and successful as any other brand!

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Premarital Screening 101 for Couples

Congratulations! You and your partner are well on the way to starting the married life together and the thought of starting your own family already seems quite likely. But as compatible as you and your partner may be, health may be another story entirely. Because of this, premarital screening is an essential step that every couple should prioritize before getting married.

In practice, premarital screening is a test that assesses a couple’s overall health along with any health risks that they may have. This is important to a couple’s family planning as it lets them know and prepare beforehand for any risk of transmissible diseases that might affect each other or their future offspring. If you are unsure of which diseases to look out for and where to have your screenings done, read on to find the answers below!

The essential health conditions to know of

Just like genetics, everyone’s health can vary greatly from one another, and this makes it important for you and your partner to have a proper understanding of each other’s health condition and any underlying issues. A premarital screening can cover all this, which is especially important to family planning as your genetics and overall health can potentially affect your children as well.

1. Thalassemia

A hereditary disease, thalassemia is a blood disorder that causes the body to produce an abnormal form or inadequate amount of hemoglobin. As hemoglobin is the protein molecule in red blood cells that carries oxygen, thalassemia results in excessive numbers of red blood cells being destroyed, leading to anemia. 

At a genetic level, thalassemia is caused by a defect or mutation in the genes that control hemoglobin production. The disorder comes in many forms, and the severity depends on the genes that a person receives from their parents; there is a greater risk for a more severe form of thalassemia if both parents have the defective gene. Since thalassemia is inherited, a premarital screening can help you determine the risk of passing the disorder to your children.

2. Hepatitis B

As one of five types of hepatitis, hepatitis B is a serious infection of the liver and comes in two different types – acute and chronic. Acute infections can cause fatigue, vomiting, jaundice, and stomach pain while chronic infections may lead to cirrhosis or liver cancer. However, not all  newly infected individuals appear sick as some do not show symptoms while others do. 

Being a viral infection, the illness is caused by the hepatitis B virus, which is mainly transmitted through blood or other bodily fluids from an infected person, but the virus can also be transmitted from a mother to her child if she is infected. Since not all infected individuals have symptoms, a premarital screening can check to see if you are infected or a carrier. Fortunately, hepatitis B can be prevented with a vaccine, so look to get yourself vaccinated to keep you and your partner safe.

3. Blood sugar before meals

For most people, blood sugars are often at their lowest before meals are taken. Testing this is one way to tell if you have diabetes or if your blood sugar levels are abnormal. But normal blood sugar levels vary from person to person, so check with your doctor for a more accurate assessment.

In regards to family planning, checking your blood sugars before meals can serve as a reference for monitoring the risk for gestational diabetes, which is a condition that raises a mother’s blood sugar levels during pregnancy due to hormone changes. While gestational diabetes generally does not cause major symptoms, it can lead to a higher risk of pregnancy complications. But the good news is that the condition can be prevented by eating healthy, staying active, and maintaining a healthy weight.

4. Rubella 

Rubella, also known as German measles, is a viral disease that mostly affects the skin and lymph nodes. While it usually causes a distinctive red rash, most people generally experience mild symptoms like a fever, sore throat, and fatigue. However, rubella poses a primary danger to pregnant women as it can cause congenital rubella syndrome (CRS) in developing babies.

If a woman is infected with rubella during pregnancy, serious consequences can occur to the unborn baby, which includes miscarriages, stillbirths, or severe birth defects. Fortunately, both rubella and CRS can be prevented by taking the measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine, but care must be taken for the timing as it is important for women to get pregnant only 3 months after vaccination to ensure that the body has all the antibodies needed.

5. Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS)

Caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), AIDS is a primarily sexually-transmitted disease, but can also transmit through contact with contaminated blood. In infected individuals, HIV attacks the immune system and weakens the body’s resistance to disease, which makes a person more vulnerable to other illnesses. This can lead to AIDS within 10 years if left untreated. 

Sadly, there is no effective cure or vaccine for HIV, but couples can take steps to prevent it by going for health screenings and following preventative measures like safe sex and not sharing needles. Since it has the potential to affect you and your future family, screening yourselves for HIV is not something you want to miss, especially for women planning on having children.

6. Syphilis

Another sexually-transmitted infection, syphilis is a bacterial infection that can lead to severe long-term problems if left untreated. Syphilis infection has four stages (primary, secondary, latent, and tertiary) and each one has different signs and symptoms that get progressively worse if the disease is not properly treated. For instance, tertiary syphilis can damage your internal organs and systems.

While there is no vaccine for syphilis, penicillin, an antibiotic medication, is effective in treating syphilis in its early stages. Since it can easily spread between partners through sex, couples should also screen for syphilis to ensure that they are not infected. Diagnosis of syphilis is typically conducted through blood tests (such as VDRL and TPHA) to confirm if a person is infected. 

7. Rh blood group

In human blood group systems, there are 4 main types of blood – A, AB, B, and O. But there are actually 8 blood groups in total as each of these groups can be either Rh-positive or Rh-negative. For people who are Rh-positive, their red blood cells have a protein called the Rhesus (Rh) factor or the D antigen, which is not present in those who are Rh-negative.

Most people are Rh-positive, and the only way for someone to have Rh negative blood is to inherit at least one Rh-negative factor from their parents. This is especially important for pregnant women as Rh incompatibility may occur – mothers who are Rh-negative that are pregnant with a Rh-positive baby can cause the mother’s body to produce antibodies that will travel through the placenta and attack the baby’s blood cells, which is known as hemolytic disease of the newborn (HDN). As this can have severe consequences on the baby, going for an early health screening is key to preventing this.

8. Urine test

Urine tests, also known as urinalysis, are tests taken to assess the overall health of your body’s urinary system, such as your urine glucose and urine protein index. These tests are also important for monitoring conditions like kidney dysfunction and urinary tract infections (UTI) as they can cause permanent kidney damage or even death without proper medical attention.

Moreover, urine tests are particularly essential for monitoring a pregnant woman’s risk for certain complications, namely gestational diabetes and preeclampsia. During pregnancy, most women may experience a higher glucose level due to hormone changes along with other physiological changes. As these pregnancy complications can threaten both the lives of the mother and the baby, going for early health screenings can be effective in preventing them from becoming an issue.

9. Semen analysis

Couples that are planning on having children should not skip out on taking a semen analysis as this is important for evaluating a man’s fertility. These tests are taken by a doctor to determine how many sperm are there, how they move, and what their shape is, which are all factors to consider if a couple is having trouble conceiving a child.

For men undergoing a semen analysis, remember to abstain from sexual activity for 3 to 5 days before the test is taken to ensure better accuracy of the results. Alcohol, certain supplements, and medication should also be taken with a doctor’s advice in mind as they can affect the quality of the semen sample needed for the test.

List of places in Selangor & Kuala Lumpur to get your screening done

If you and your partner are living in or near the heart of Malaysia, then you’re in luck! There are plenty of hospitals and clinics throughout Selangor and Kuala Lumpur for getting your premarital screenings done. With most places offering special packages and deals that cover many of these health checks above, here is a list of places that are worth considering:

Note: All prices listed were collected in January 2021 and may be subject to change. Please contact the relevant outlets for more information.

1. LifeCare Diagnostic Medical Centre

Covering blood tests, urine tests, and many more, LifeCare offers pre-marital screening in basic and comprehensive packages that can be completed in approximately half a day (4 to 6 hours). 

For more information:

Price: RM259 (female; basic package) / RM249 (male; basic package) / RM489 (comprehensive packages for male and female)

Location: 5, Jalan Kerinchi, Bangsar South, 59200, Wilayah Pesekutuan, Kuala Lumpur

2. Columbia Asia Hospital – Petaling Jaya

Columbia Asia Hospital’s pre-marital screening package is inclusive of a full blood test and screenings for hepatitis B, HIV, and venereal diseases. Further add-on tests are also available.

For more information:

Price: RM119

Location: Lot 69, Jalan 13/6, Seksyen 13, 46200 Petaling Jaya, Selangor.

3. Subang Jaya Medical Centre (SJMC)

While SJMC does not have pre-marital packages, there are many other health screening packages available for couples to choose from. These are divided into basic, comprehensive and premium with different prices.

For more information:

Price: RM499 (basic package for males & females)

Location: No. 1, Jalan SS12/1A, Ss 12, 47500 Subang Jaya, Selangor

4. Pantai Hospital

Spouses that plan on being mothers can consider the screening and maternity services at Pantai Hospital. This covers blood tests and screenings for hepatitis B, syphilis, HIV, and glucose throughout all three trimesters in pregnancy, which also includes comprehensive screenings for the baby.

For more information:

Price: Available upon consultation

Location: (Selangor)

  • Pantai Hospital Ampang: Jalan Perubatan 1, Pandan Indah, 55100 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
  • Pantai Hospital Klang: Lot 5921, Persiaran Raja Muda Musa, 41200 Klang, Selangor, Malaysia

5. iHEAL Medical Centre

Pre-marital screening packages for both partners are available at iHEAL Medical Centre. The package covers full screenings for blood and infectious diseases like Hepatitis B and C, HIV, and rubella. Results will also be made available on the same day.

For more information:

Price: RM1,388 (two persons)

Location: Level 7 & 8, Annexe Block, Menara IGB, Mid Valley City, Lingkaran Syed Putra, 59200 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

6. Sunway Medical Center

With options for couple or individual testing, Sunway Medical Center’s pre-marital screening packages cover a full blood count and tests for venereal diseases, hepatitis B, and HIV. For both packages, couples and individuals are not required to fast before the screening. 

For more information:

Price: RM550 (couples) / RM299 (individual)

Location: 4th Floor, Tower A, No. 5, Jalan Lagoon Selatan, Bandar Sunway, 47500 Petaling Jaya, Selangor

7. BP Healthcare

The pre-marital packages offered by BP Healthcare cover a wide range of tests that includes  a full blood picture, hepatitis B screening, lipids profile, urine tests, infectious diseases screening, and many more. These packages are purchased online with the link below and may be redeemed at all applicable BP Diagnostic and Specialist Centres.

For more information:

Price: RM360 (1 pax) / RM700 (2 pax)

Location: All applicable BP Diagnostic and Specialist Centres.

8. Ever Link Fertility Centre

Male partners looking to have their semen analyses done can consider Ever Link Fertility Centre, which specializes in reproductive medicine / fertility and obstetrics & gynecology services.

For more information:

Price: Available upon consultation

Location: Unit G-2 Level Ground, The Podium Tower 3, UOA Business Park, No 1, Jalan Pengaturcara U1/51a, Seksyen U1, 40150 Shah Alam, Selangor

All in all, premarital screening is just one of many important steps that every couple should take for the sake of their marriage. As health issues can pop up when one least expects it, going for early screenings is an effective way to keep you and your partner’s health under control, especially if children are concerned. While our list above covers the main tests that most people should take, there are also other conditions that you should keep an eye out for. As the saying goes, prevention is always better than cure. 

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All About Wedding Rings

Ah, wedding rings, the exquisite symbol of a lovely couple joining each other in matrimony. These rings can feature many different designs and aesthetics, which are all unique to each couple. But there is much more to your wedding rings than just its value and design – what is the difference between wedding rings and engagement rings? Which rings are worth getting? What is the wedding ring etiquette? If knowledge about these special rings is what you’re looking for, then we have you covered!

To ring or not to ring

The modern world is a lot different than it was in traditional times, and not all couples follow the tradition of getting rings for the marriage. If you are sticking to this traditional display of love for your partner, the two main rings you will need are the wedding ring and an engagement ring, which can be complimented with additional rings like promise rings and eternity rings if you so desire.

Wedding rings vs. Engagement rings

Put simply, wedding rings and engagement rings are mainly different from each other in that wedding rings are exchanged between a couple at their wedding ceremony while an engagement ring is typically given at a proposal or when the couple is engaged. Regardless, both rings share the symbolic meanings of love and commitment.

Design-wise, this is where these two rings are not too similar. A wedding ring is usually more plain-looking with a simpler design and may not feature a gemstone at its center. The engagement ring, on the other hand, often has a more extravagant appearance with a center gemstone, thicker bands, and may be further embellished with additional smaller stones. As such, engagement rings are typically more expensive than wedding rings.

With that being said, now here is a question worth asking – is it necessary to get both wedding and engagement rings? In a traditional sense, the answer would be yes as the bride would be wearing both rings together on the left hand’s ring finger. But nowadays, this depends on the couple; some may choose not to have both rings out of practicality or personal preference. Because of this, it is not totally necessary to get a wedding ring and an engagement ring for your future spouse.

At the end of the day, while both rings symbolize your love and commitment, it is perfectly fine for you to choose which rings you want and how you want to wear them. Just as long as you and your partner have your own preferences, there is no right or wrong answer to getting wedding and engagement rings.

What wedding rings should I get?

Regardless of whether you want to get a suitable engagement ring as the wedding ring or get a separate wedding ring entirely, there are five things worth considering before making your picks.

First and foremost, your choice of wedding ring designs. Since you will be wearing it, it makes sense to figure out which metal and style you would like to have on your ring. For metals, platinum, gold, and silver are common picks while steel, titanium, and tungsten also make good choices. As for the style, you can have your ring in channel set, comfort fit, half-round, and pave band designs among many others. You can also add any gemstones if you so desire.

Secondly, plan your budget ahead. Just like their designs, rings can come in very different price ranges, which makes it important to plan how much you wish to spend on them. But the good thing is that you do not necessarily have to spend a fortune to get a nice-looking ring. For example, choosing a half-eternity ring can get you a rather similar appearance to a full eternity band without paying the heavier price tag. Also, do keep note of which retailer you intend to get your rings from as prices can vary greatly from place to place.

Thirdly, mixing or matching your wedding rings. It is worth remembering that there is no rule that requires married couples to have identically matching wedding rings. As such, it is perfectly reasonable to choose different ring designs, such as a titanium ring for you and a rose gold ring for your partner. You can also choose to pair your preferred designs together for a look that compliments each other or just have totally different designs that stand apart – it’s all up to personal preferences.

Fourth, leave some consideration for your lifestyle. While wearing your wedding ring might not seem like a big deal, you will be wearing it every day for a lifetime so it is important to make sure that your ring will fit in nicely with your lifestyle activities. If you spend a lot of time outdoors, a tough and durable ring would be ideal. If you work with your hands a lot, a simpler ring with thinner bands and rounder edges is more suitable. Regardless of your lifestyle, strive to match the right metals and designs for your ring with your lifestyle.

Lastly, consider your ring’s care and maintenance. As a wedding ring is worn for a lifetime, some maintenance is needed to keep their shine and sparkle. For most rings, gentle washing with mild detergent and warm water is all that is needed to keep them from tarnishing. Also, avoid exposing your ring to harsh chemicals and rough physical contact to prevent scratches. If you do not wish to be burdened with cleaning your ring every now and then, settling for a wedding ring with a simple and durable design can go a long way in maintaining their beauty.

How to wear wedding rings

Now that you and your partner have your wedding rings, how exactly should you wear them? The short answer is – any way you like, really. This is because couples nowadays are getting more freedom regarding their wedding arrangements, which includes how they choose to wear their rings.

Nevertheless, here are some helpful pointers worth knowing for wearing those precious rings.

1. Which hand do I wear my ring on?

In Western cultures, wedding rings are traditionally worn by newlyweds on the third (ring) finger on their left hand. This practice has its origins in the ancient Romans, who believed that the ring finger had a vein that ran directly to the heart, which they called the vena amoris (Latin for “vein of love”). Because of this connection, it was seen as only fitting that married couples wear their wedding rings on the fourth finger of the left hand to symbolize their love for each other. Countries that adopted this custom include Australia, Canada, Botswana, Ireland, the United Kingdom, and the United States along with several others.

On the other hand, not all cultures follow this tradition and there are other cultures that have the wedding ring worn on the right hand instead. In India, Tamil culture dictates that wedding rings be worn on the right hand as the left hand was seen as inauspicious. Elsewhere, Orthodox Christians follow this arrangement too as per their religious beliefs. The right-hand wedding ring rule also applies to countries like Austria, Bulgaria, Cuba, Colombia, Denmark, Germany, and many others in Eastern Europe, South America, and some parts of Asia.

Even so, different wedding ring customs exist too – in some cultures, the bride and groom wear their wedding rings on opposite hands. In Sri Lanka, the groom would wear his ring on his right hand while the bride would wear her ring on the left hand. In contrast, China’s custom has the groom wear his ring on the left hand instead while the bride wears her ring on the right. For Islamic countries, wedding rings are not considered a tradition in religious Muslim weddings, but they may be included in the ceremony if the couple so desires; if worn, the ring would go on the left ring finger (such as in Iran) and on the right hand (such as in Jordan). 

At the end of the day, different cultures have different customs for how the ring should be worn, but you do not necessarily have to follow them. Around the world, it is generally accepted for a married couple to choose how they wish to wear their wedding rings – it is all a matter of personal preference. 

2. The order of rings: which goes on first?

For the most part, the order of how you wear your rings is largely a matter of personal preference, but there are a few ways on how they can go on your finger. 

One common way is to wear the wedding ring first followed by the engagement ring on the top. In this case, both your rings will be worn on the same finger of either hand – just slip your engagement ring on top of your wedding ring during the ceremony and you are all set. Symbolically, some couples prefer this traditional order to have the wedding ring closer to their heart. 

Alternatively, you can also choose to wear the engagement ring first before stacking the wedding ring on the top. From a logical perspective, it is not hard to see why some couples prefer to wear the rings in the order they received them – the engagement ring can represent a promise to be together and the wedding ring represents fulfilment of that promise. In a way, it represents you and your partner transitioning from engagement to official marriage.

It is also worth noting that you can wear your engagement ring and wedding ring separately on both hands. While less traditional, this option can involve wearing your wedding ring on your left hand’s ring finger and the engagement ring on your right hand’s ring finger. This arrangement is suitable for when wearing both rings together is not ideal – either because they do not match very well or for more practical reasons like not wanting too many rings on one finger.

Though tradition and wedding customs may dictate how you should wear your rings, there are no definite rules that stop you from wearing them the way you want. So, feel free to just wear them on any finger as you please.

Like your wedding preparations and themes, there is plenty of freedom to get creative with your wedding rings. Whether you choose to wear your rings on your right or left hand, the most important thing is to wear your ring in a way that makes both you and your partner happy. After all, these rings are more than just jewelry – they are symbols of love between you and your partner.


Exchange these 15 Questions with Him / Her Before Getting Married

So, it’s official, you’re now considering the next level of your relationship and want to move up to the “married couple” territory with your beloved partner. After all, both of you have been dating each other for a while now and the idea of marriage is now in the picture. Although you should already know your partner pretty well by now, just how well do you know that both of you will make a good couple for the long term? 

If you want to make sure that your partner is on the same page as you are, then it’s time for a Q&A session with your loved one! With marriage being a long-term commitment, it is best to be sure that you are starting off on the right path for your married life with the right person.

The questions worth asking

While there is no definite set of questions to ask, it is important to find out if your partner’s opinions, thoughts, and values are compatible with yours, especially for important issues like finances, careers, family, and relationships. Here is a list of questions that most couples would find helpful to discuss before tying the knot:

Question 1: What are the household plans?

Before marrying, you will need to know how and where you and your would-be spouse will be living in. Some people may prefer a house while others might fancy living in a condominium or apartment, which makes planning the living conditions an important first step for any marriage.

Besides that, there is also the question of who will be its occupants. Do you and your partner want to live only with each other? Or are you both fine with having either of your parents living together with you and your partner? Although it might just seem like a privacy issue at first glance, you might find yourself having to cope with both lesser boundaries and heavier costs of living if you don’t discuss this thoroughly.

Question 2: What are your career goals?

Since you and your partner are going to be together for the long run, your career paths and goals should be considered to see how they will influence your married life. This is important to letting you both reach your intended goals without jeopardizing your marriage.

One way of doing this is to discuss what career goals you both have in ten years. For example, would you be fine with giving up your ideal career path after getting married? Or are you willing to compromise on your career goals for your marriage? Although having career goals is important, it is just as essential to work out how well you and your partner’s career plans go together.

Question 3: Do you want children?

Marrying means forming a new family of your own, and having children is common for many couples. If you want to have children, you will ideally need a stable financial and social foundation to start on along with plenty of willpower as being parents is a very big commitment and will impact your finances, lifestyle, and even career.

If the answer is yes, you will want to plan when do you want your kids with consideration of you and your parents’ wishes (if any). Plus, you also need to discuss how the children’s financial needs will be taken care of and what kind of future and education you want them to have. It is definitely a lot of work and is something worth taking the time to consider as parenting is just not meant for everyone.

Question 4: Do you and your partner’s families get along?

Like any couple, there are bound to be differences or things they disagree on, and families are no exception. By marrying your partner, you are also uniting his or her family with yours, and it is imperative to keep relations good between everyone for your marriage’s sake. 

Even if you cannot ensure a fully positive relationship between both families, this question should help you get started on identifying and working out any issues that might put a strain on your marriage, especially early on. Additionally, both families should not bottle up any ill feelings as this can lead to resentment and unresolved disputes, which can be disastrous to everyone involved.

Question 5: What are the families’ views on finances?

Everyone has different views on money, and this is a common topic when marriage is concerned. For the most part, many parents typically have a preferred financial expectation for their children’s future spouse – this can influence their approval of you or your partner.

It is important for you and your partner’s families to share similar views on money, or at the very least, be accepting of each other’s financial status to prevent any tensions from breaking out. Since you should have a general idea of this while dating, asking this question early on and acting accordingly can help prevent money issues from becoming a problem after you’re married.

Question 6: Who makes the decisions in the new family?

Many married couples often have someone that calls the shots for important decisions, be it financial or otherwise. Regardless of whether it is the husband or wife, having one person call every shot has the potential to seriously dent any long-term relationship.

By asking this question, you can properly work out how and who will be making important decisions. Having a give-and-take approach is a good way to do this by letting one party call the shots while the other takes care of other decisions. This way, things are fair, and everyone is happy.

Question 7: Do they get along with your friends?

If family tensions won’t break a relationship, then conflicts with friends will. Do you accept and respect your partner’s friends? Or is your partner not really fond of your own friends? These are questions worth asking each other as having negative relationships with friends won’t do your marriage any good favors, especially if close friends happen to be involved.

Since you and your partner may have different kinds of friends, you should at the very least look to keep relations friendly and respectful between you, your partner, and all your friends. Plus, who doesn’t want their friends to be happy for their relationship? 

Question 8: How is your financial situation?

Money makes the world go round, and this is no exception for marriage. With the costs of living nowadays, you will want to figure out whether your partner’s financial status is compatible with your own to avoid both a failing marriage and money troubles.

Besides that, you will have to discuss how all your finances and property will be managed after getting married – do you want to share property? Will your financial costs be taken care

of together or only by one of you? These are important questions to ask as how you tackle issues with money can make or break your relationship.

Question 9: Your views of loyalty towards marriage?

Where love fuels a relationship, loyalty helps to sustain it. As not everyone has the same views on loyalty in a relationship, it is crucial for you and your partner to have clear definitions on what counts as being loyal and unfaithful, especially for marriage.

For instance, how okay are you with physical contact between your partner and friends of the opposite sex? Are you fine with your partner regularly hanging out with friends of the opposite sex? These types of questions are helpful in letting you and your partner understand each other’s boundaries and change accordingly to prevent any problems that might occur later on.

Question 10: What are your lifestyle trends?

Living the married life means going through life together, and this may reveal a hidden side to both of you to each other. If your lifestyle habits contrast with your partner’s, then this is something best discussed before getting married to find out how your lifestyle trends might bother each other and how you can face them.

While you might be able to put up with your partner’s small annoyances to an extent, it is just better to talk about it than to endure them every day, which will inevitably lead to some unsavory arguments.

Question 11: How will house chores be handled?

It is safe to say that no one likes doing chores, and this makes it all the more important to plan how you and your partner will handle them. Who will be doing the cooking? Who is doing the dishes? Who is cleaning the house? These questions need to be figured out properly and clearly. 

Although these are seemingly minor issues, putting up with them on a regular basis can gradually damage your marriage with souring relationships and feelings of resentment if you and your partner do not handle this properly. 

Question 12: How do you deal with arguments?

It’s totally normal for couples to argue from time to time, especially for married ones. But the key here is to know how to handle them properly. If you and your partner have gotten into an argument, would you prefer to have both of you cool down first before resolving the issue? Or would you rather have both of you confront the problem directly in a civil manner?

Although arguments are an inevitable part of life, having a proper plan to handle arguments can go a long way in reducing the strain it causes to your relationship.

Question 13: Are you fine with my flaws?

As the saying goes, “nobody is perfect”. During the dating period, many people tend to see their partner as perfect and without flaws, which is simply not true. Because of this, it is important for you and your partner to know each other’s strengths and flaws clearly before marrying. This way, you can better gauge if you are both the right fit for each other in the long run. 

Since not all flaws are easily noticeable, you should also pay attention to their attitude and behavior to see if they have any underlying problems. The last thing you would want is for your seemingly wonderful spouse to turn out to be an abusive partner.

Question 14: Any medical history?

While this is something a little out of your control, this question is still worth asking to see if there are any potential health complications that you or your partner might have to face. Genetics and any hereditary diseases should be openly discussed along with any underlying health issues so that both of you can better understand each other’s medical history, which is especially important if you are concerned with fertility. 

As such, going for a premarital health screening should be a high priority before marrying. Besides serving as a medical checkup, this is helpful for charting your family planning and preparing ahead for any medical risks.

Question 15: What are your personal limits?

Everyone has personal limits and being in a relationship does not make this any different. For most people, crossing these boundaries can lead to anger and hurt feelings, which makes it highly important for both you and your partner to know and respect each other’s personal limits.

In the same vein, you should also never set these boundaries aside just because you are married, such as for important matters like work. While giving and taking in a relationship is healthy, doing so will just likely end up in negative feelings between you and your partner.

While getting married is a wondrous moment for celebration, it is also good to be able to make an informed decision on who it is you are spending the rest of your life with. With these questions, you can see how well you and your partner’s needs, wants, and expectations line up with each other, which are essential ingredients for any long-lasting marriage.

Top Tips on Attending Wedding Fairs

It’s a special occasion – you and your partner have engaged and are planning to get married. But as romantic as they are, a good wedding ceremony needs good planning. Having a budget, theme, itinerary, and even checklist is a good start, but the wedding fairs out there are also awesome opportunities for couples looking to settle their wedding needs. Although you may have a rough idea of what to expect, here are some good tips to follow to make the most out of them.

Before the fair

Before you attend the wedding fair, these are some tips to help you get prepared:

Do research on the fairs

Although they are focused on weddings, no two wedding fairs are alike. It’s important to know which fair is the right one for you, as some wedding fairs might be larger or smaller than the others. So, decide beforehand on the type of fair you prefer to attend to know which ones can better fit your needs.

Once you have your priorities set, check out the latest fairs around you and see what their vendors have to offer for your wedding. Websites, galleries, and social media pages are some good ways of getting a rough idea for them. This way, you can decide if the wedding fair you’re planning to attend is worth your time.

Know what you want

After deciding on which fair to go to, try to gather the main ideas and theme of your wedding. This includes where and when you are getting married along with the style you are going for. Just like going shopping, your wedding budget will thank you for thinking this through.

As there will be vendors of all kinds present at the wedding fair, knowing your wedding needs can help you know what to look for. But then again, do be open to new ideas even if you are certain on what you want as the wedding fair might just have the improvement your wedding ceremony wants.

Have a floor plan

Even small wedding fairs can leave you unsure on where to go if you don’t know the layout. Fortunately, most wedding fairs have an online directory that lets you know which vendors will be present and where they are located. This will let you be more efficient in getting everything you need.

Likewise, you can also find any workshops or highlighted events taking place this way. You probably do not have enough time to visit every single exhibitor, so knowing where to go and what to do can help ensure a smooth day.

Decide on what to take with you

Try to think of a wedding fair as a large convention, which means you’ll likely be walking around a lot talking to different vendors. So, it’s a good idea to wear comfortable clothing and bring refreshments to avoid tiring yourself out. 

There are some essential items to bring with you as well, like your smartphone to take photos with and a bag to carry all the leaflets, samples, and freebies given by the vendors. Since there’s a good chance that the vendors will offer wedding deals and packages at the fair, also bring your cash, chequebooks, and debit / credit cards in case you need to make any important payments.

Decide on who is coming with you

While it isn’t wrong to go alone, bringing someone with you can be quite helpful as they can give you advice and help you make important decisions. The important thing, however, is to bring someone who is willing to go and has an opinion that you value. 

Besides your fiancé, there are a couple of options for your companions, like your siblings, close friends, parents, and even in-laws. You can even attend one wedding fair with your fiancé and another with your bridal party if desired. Just be sure not to bring too many people along as this can distract you from enjoying the fair and getting what you need.

During the fair

While you’re at the fair, these tips can come in handy to make it a productive day:

Be open to conversation

No one knows your wedding needs better than you do (except maybe your partner), so go talk to the vendors and share your plans and ideas with them. By helping them understand what you want for your wedding, they can get you what you need and even suggest new ideas to add to your big day.

Since details matter a lot in weddings, take your time and ask all the questions you have. But keep in mind, not all the vendors may be able to give you a full consultation, so get their contact details and schedule a follow-up appointment later on to see if they are the right fit for your wedding.

Take photographs

In most cases, a wedding fair should leave you looking around in awe, whether it is a stunning bridal gown or a super impressive wedding theme. Many wedding fairs have plenty of things worth taking photos of, so bring your smartphone or camera with you for those quick snaps.

Since wedding fairs often have plenty of new trends and unique ideas, you might just find one that you want to add to your wedding. By taking photos, you can provide a good point of reference to your vendors or suppliers to use later and get the best outcome for your ceremony.

Join a bridal workshop or seminar

If you’re looking for beauty tips or just need some pointers on perfecting the look, then you may find these sessions quite beneficial. You can find makeup artists, florists, and many other wedding experts giving out valuable advice and ideas.

Besides that, the wedding pros hosting these workshops also typically demonstrate their areas of expertise. For instance, you can see your desired hairstylist or photographer in action and the quality of their work right before your very eyes. Not only does this let you see if they are the right vendor to hire, you also get to ask any important questions you may have.

Look out for wedding packages and discounts

One great thing about wedding fairs is the opportunity for you to save up on wedding expenses. Besides making your wedding planning easier, they are also a more economical choice to settling all your wedding needs compared to getting everything separately.  

There is a catch to this, however, and it’s that you can usually only secure these deals at the wedding fair itself. With the large number of vendors at the fair, it would be wise to consider which vendors you want to hire before showing up with your chequebook to get them. So, be decisive and secure those deals before they are gone!

Get inspired

There is no limit to the amount of creativity that goes into wedding planning, and wedding fairs always have many sources of inspiration for you to pick up on. Unique and creative products, décor, and themes can be found everywhere during the fair, so look around to see what you can incorporate into your wedding.

If your wedding fair has a fashion show, they are a good place to get inspired for your attire as well. It’s not just for the bride and groom too – you’ll get to see glamourous models walk down the catwalk in all the latest wedding apparel. You can also talk to the designers of the clothes that you liked for further consultation afterwards. 

Try on the clothing

The special appeal about wedding fairs is that you get to conveniently try everything all in one location. Brides and grooms alike can find more than enough clothes to try on, so don’t waste this opportunity to get the perfect look for the big day.

Depending on the fair, there might also be vendors or designers that can provide you with your dream wedding attire on the spot. Also, for the brides-to-be out there, bring your heels and accessories with you if you plan to wear them with your dress.

After the fair

You have likely gathered much from the fairs, so these tips can help you in making the most out of them:

Go through the information you have collected

It’s likely that you have gathered a ton of cards, flyers, and brochures from the wedding vendors, so look through them and narrow down your options to the vendors you want to hire. If you have some favourites, follow up with them through social media or an email to discuss your wedding plans.

Just remember, if plans don’t work out with the vendor that you want, there is always the next one to consider. If you’re lucky, another vendor may have a better promotion than the others!

Follow-up appointment

Don’t forget the main reason you attended the wedding fair for in the first place. Once you have chosen the vendors for your wedding, just schedule a follow-up appointment with them and be on your way to realizing the wedding of your dreams. They might even have special promotions for you after the wedding fair.

Settle agreements in black and white

Much like doing business, having everything written down in black and white can keep you safe from any shady or unscrupulous vendors. In the event that your vendor does not deliver as promised, your written agreement with them can help you in getting what you are owed. Just be sure that the necessary info and details are included in your wedding vendor’s contract.

Other helpful tips

Even if you have bought your tickets to a wedding fair, other couples have likely done the same too. Since a wedding fair is like any other exhibition, following these tips can help you avoid the woes of attending a busy fair:

  1. Arrive early to avoid the headache of large crowds. Generally, it is better to attend the wedding fair early before the crowd builds up as having too many people around you can cause you to lose your focus. Besides having a more relaxed environment, arriving early can also get you better quality conversations with the vendors as they will likely be exhausted by the end of the day if you come later. 
  1. Create mailing labels for easier communication with your vendors. You will likely meet many different vendors asking for your information while at the wedding fair, so bring pre-printed labels with your contact and wedding info to skip out on having to rewrite your details over and over again. Besides saving time and effort, you could even enter gift draws and raffles with your labels.
  1. Create a wedding email before you attend the fair. If the huge number of flyers and brochures from the vendors didn’t overwhelm you, then the emails will. For that reason, it’s best to create a new email address dedicated to wedding planning. This way, your personal email address won’t get flooded with wedding emails that come even after you’re married!
  1. Dress comfortably. Since you’ll likely be walking around the fair for the whole day, put on your most comfortable shoes and clothing. Also, choose clothes that you can easily change out of as this will make it easier to try on any clothes that catch your attention.
  1. Eat before you go. Usually, food and drinks at wedding fairs can be rather expensive. So, go ahead and have a good meal before you attend and bring a bottle of water with you when you go to the fair. After all, this doesn’t mean you have to skip out on the free food and cake samples at the fair.
  1. Determine your budget. Even if you haven’t figured out the precise budget, it is a good idea to know your overall budget for the wedding to make things easier for both you and your wedding suppliers. Plus, try to be disciplined in your spending as you wouldn’t want to blow all your budget away on impulse purchases.

And now, for the last but most important tip – remember to have fun. Although it’s somewhat a part of wedding planning, there is definitely much to see and enjoy at a wedding fair. Whether you’re going with your fiancé or with your bridal party, it’s just part of the journey leading up to your wonderful wedding ceremony. If anything, just remember why you’re attending one in the first place – you’re getting married.

At the end of the day, the wedding fair can also be a way for you to celebrate the happy occasion with your partner and loved ones too. Hopefully, these tips will be of use in helping you get the most out of your wedding fair. Have a pleasant wedding!



















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The Variety of Themes For Getting Married

It is not too hard for most people to assume that weddings mostly share the same themes of white ball gowns and tuxedos with the ceremony taking place at a grand dinner. Certainly, some weddings incorporate that sort of formality into the procession, but not all weddings have to stick to this. Ultimately, wedding themes are unique and reflect the style that the bride and groom want to go for.

For such a special occasion, settling on the right theme is a big deal so read on to see how you can make each ceremony that much more special.


Opting to keep up with the times and get married the modern way? Not a bad choice since modern themes are becoming increasingly popular. A modern wedding theme can have clean lines, geometric shapes, acrylic décor, and contemporary table settings – anything that represents our modernized way of life.

Minimalism is one aspect of modernist designs and this can be achieved with decorative elements like lucite décor, polished stones, and greenery. Colour is also important and using white or monochrome colour schemes can help bring out the vibe of your décor. Another good idea is to mix up a neutral aesthetic with the bride and groom’s special twist to it.


A traditional-styled wedding pays homage to the special and formal nature of the bride and groom getting married, so having the proper décor and vibe is especially important. 

Traditional wedding themes are rather formal, and the wedding should reflect that. Full sit-down dinners are common in such ceremonies and should be complemented with complete table settings and classic décor to accommodate the classy atmosphere. 

To match this exquisite theme, the venue should have fancy seating, ornate decorations, and suitable flowers. The attire should play into the theme as well, so the bride will typically wear a ballgown-style wedding dress while a tuxedo will fit the groom nicely. Naturally, a black tie dress code for your guests is perfect for completing the theme.


What better way to celebrate getting wed with your partner than a romantic-themed wedding? Celebrate the love by choosing soft colour palettes, beautiful floral decorations, and elegant lighting to give the occasion that dreamy ambiance. After all, this theme’s focus is on reflecting the love between the bride and groom.

Venues add a lot to the romance factor, and a romantic venue with the right atmosphere can be achieved just by adding suitable décor and soft colours. For instance, having soothing lighting combined with lush greenery in an outdoor setting is something almost out of a fairytale.

For an added touch, spicing up the festivities with some romantic and non-cliché music can also help set the ambience for you and your guests. 


Perhaps you and your partner want to be unique and stray from the usual traditional styles of weddings? An alternative wedding can be just as good as any other theme. The key to alternative themes is to have your own unique style, so don’t be afraid to explore new ideas. 

Going alternative lets you ditch the typical style of traditional white gowns and vibrant florals. Unique décor and different colour palettes from the usual are just some ways of making the big day a little more out of the ordinary. Make do without tradition by going for a theme that is imaginative and special. Fantasy, rustic, travel, celestial… the list goes on. 


Planning weddings the traditional way can be a rather rigid affair, especially with all the formality and tradition that goes into conventional weddings. Do away with all that by opting for a casual wedding instead, which can be just as beautiful.

Although casual weddings have a more relaxed approach, this does not mean they are any less special. A casual wedding should have a comfortable atmosphere that everyone can enjoy stress-free, so having the wedding outdoors in a cozy setting like a garden or courtyard can be a great idea. Also, you can change up the wedding’s décor, setting, and food with a casual twist like classic lighting and comfort food for best results.


An outdoor ceremony with Mother Nature is always a lovely idea. There is a special bliss in getting wed in a forest surrounded by trees, flowers, and other natural elements. What’s more is that you already have much of your venue planned for you by nature itself. 

For this theme, forest weddings are best held in an environment with nice trees, flowery elements, and mossy backgrounds. For added flavour, you can switch up the venue’s setting with decorations like branches, foliage, candles, and lanterns for that special feel. If anything, having a beautiful wedding arch of flowers, wood, and leaves will also be sure to impress.

Movie theme

Feeling like saying your marriage vows in a movie-themed ceremony? Then this is the wedding for you. Movie-themed weddings can draw plenty of inspiration from all things film-related for a unique and passionate occasion.

Be creative and express your passion for film during the ceremony, such as for the venue, food, and music. One way to get that cinematic feel is to have a film awards-style ceremony for the glamor. This theme can be quite grand, so roll out the red carpet and consider a black-tie ceremony in a theater with movie-themed décor and popcorn to leave your guests starstruck.


When it comes to outdoor weddings, a garden ceremony will not let you down. Many couples will enjoy the gorgeousness that a garden venue provides and having extra flowers with woodsy elements can do wonders in adding to the setting’s atmosphere.

Many garden wedding venues are beautiful enough on their own, and you can get some inspiration from the garden itself to spice up your ceremony. Flower-themed table decorations, floral accents, and hanging lights around trees are great elements to add for that outdoor feel. You can also make your own decorations and signages to place around the ceremony for your guests. 

Fairy tale

Couples wanting a fantasy-like ceremony can go for a fairytale-themed wedding as it has magic written all over it. This theme can be breathtaking with the right creativity, so go wild with ideas from your favorite fairy tales and marry as a prince and princess.

Whether your inspiration is Cinderella or Snow White, fairytale weddings can have decor like fancy tables, candles, books, and even antiques. Fairytale weddings also have a few venue options, and a ceremony in the woods can be just as good as one in a grand ballroom. To top it off, you can also bring out the iconic rose from Beauty and the Beast for a stunning decoration.

The conclusion

In the end, these themes are just some examples that you and your partner can follow. Of course, there is no one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to wedding themes, so be creative and set your own style. After all, it is your special day!

What to Expect at a Wedding Fair

A wedding is a momentous occasion for any couple tying the knot out there. Since it’s a big event, proper wedding planning is the first important step to take before you can enjoy the ceremony. For that, a wedding fair is just the right place for you to go.

Wedding fairs provide couples with the opportunity to meet photographers, bands, wedding dress designers, florists, and many others. Besides that, there are some benefits to attending a wedding fair too, like affordable wedding packages, consultation, and discounted services. Here in Malaysia, there are plenty of wedding fairs for all the brides and grooms out there. 

Here’s what you can expect:

  1. Convenient meeting place

Wedding planning can be tiring if you’re unsure on who to consult. But the good thing is that many different wedding vendors and suppliers will be showing up at the fair, with each one focusing on their own category.

With all the wedding experts conveniently gathered in one expo, this lets you build connections with them and find the one that fits your wedding needs best. This also makes your consultations and decision-making easier thanks to everyone being around in-person.

2. One-stop wedding solution

Ordinarily, planning weddings the old-fashioned way can take up a lot of time, especially if you need to travel around for tasks and appointments. At a wedding fair, you can save up on time and effort and get most of your wedding planning done in one place.

There are many options to choose from for sourcing your wedding’s attire, food, accessories, and décor. Couples on a budget can also look out for attractive offers and wedding packages at wedding fairs.

3. The latest wedding trends

Just like lifestyle trends, weddings have their own latest trends too. This means you can draw a lot of inspiration from wedding fairs into your own ceremony. Besides, the exhibitors at the fair might also showcase interesting ideas that you didn’t think of.

4. A wedding fashion show

Some wedding fairs may have a wedding fashion show, which lets you admire the bridal gowns and tuxedos in all their beauty. With the models walking down the catwalk in the latest fashion trends, this is a good chance for you to find the look you want.

Take some photos of anything that catches your attention, and this can help you in perfecting your wardrobe for the big day. If you’re lucky, the vendors at the fair can even get you the look that you want.

5. Plenty of information

Even if you’re attending just for fun or to do some research, a wedding fair comes with plenty of business cards, brochures, and flyers for you to take home. This lets you digest the information and options you have before making any important decisions for your wedding. 

Plus, you can also gather the contact details of the wedding fair’s suppliers and have further enquiries or consultations later at your own pace.

6. A fun and interactive experience

A wedding fair isn’t just all work and no play. With all the fair’s glamour, you can think of the event as a big party for you to attend. Plus, the best part about attending a wedding fair is getting to experience things first-hand.

Although researching your wedding suppliers online is convenient, a wedding fair lets you see the wedding vendors in action. With all the fashion shows, food caterers, and musicians around, you’ll get to settle all your wedding needs while still having fun.

Plan the wedding of your dreams amid the RMCO!

With big events and exhibitions cancelled due to the MCO, many Malaysian couples are understandably disappointed by this year’s lack of wedding fairs, but you can always prepare in advance for a ceremony next year. As such, couples and brides-to-be everywhere will be delighted to know that the KLPJ Wedding Fair and TCE Wedding Expo will be taking place this year!

Both wedding fairs will be taking place at Mid Valley Exhibition Centre in Kuala Lumpur in September and November. Various bridal houses, photography studios, and other wedding-related services will be available at these expos for all the attending couples to make their weddings a dream come true.

While a wedding fair is a good place to settle wedding needs, try not to forget that it’s also a place to enjoy yourself and celebrate the mood. So, go ahead and take in the fun and atmosphere of the fairs while planning the wedding of your dreams.